- verrukking
- n. delight, ravishment, rapture, Ecstasy, enchantment, admiration, delict, enthusiasm
Holandés-inglés dicionario. 2013.
Holandés-inglés dicionario. 2013.
Ivo Michiels — Henri Ceuppens (b. Mortsel, 8 January 1923), pseudonym Ivo Michiels is a Belgian writer. In 1965, he married Christiane Faes. In 1979, he established himself he as full time writer in the Vaucluse (France).During World War II he was employed as a … Wikipedia
Frans Geysen — (born 29 July 1936) is a Belgian composer and writer on music.BiographyFrans Geysen was born in Oostham, and studied music at the Lemmens Institute in Mechelen, and at the conservatories of Antwerp and Ghent. In 1962 he became professor of… … Wikipedia
Ivo Michiels — est un écrivain et critique de cinéma, réalisateur et scénariste de cinéma belge né le 8 janvier 1923 à Mortsel dans la province d Anvers. Journaliste de profession, il collabore à Golfslag (1946 50), De Tafelronde (1953), et dirige (1979) le… … Wikipédia en Français
Иво Михельс — нидерл. Ivo Michiels … Википедия